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Frequently asked questions

What age is The Hoard Book for?

The Hoard Book is aimed at children aged 5-9. Younger children may need more help, such as reading the letters, and supporting with the activities. 

What's included?

Each chapter of The Hoard Book contains a letter from Taj, a page from his Hoard Book, and at least 4 pages of activities, colouring and a craft activity.  There are 10 chapters in the workbook. 

Who wrote The Hoard Book?

We did! As parents, we set up The Hoard Book as a fun way to teach our own children about money, and then decided to share it with everyone else.  We believe that teaching children about money early sets them up to make good financial decisions as they get older and prepares them for being financially independent adults. 


Every issue of The Hoard Book has been checked over and edited by a chartered accountant, with over 15 years working in finance.

Does The Hoard Book align with the national curriculum?

No, not really. But bear with us, we think this is a good thing. The primary school national curriculum in England does contain some learning about money, but we don’t this it’s anywhere nearly enough. The national curriculum focuses on doing maths involving money.

For example:

  • recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p)

  • combine amounts to make a particular value

  • solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change

  • solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal place


Notice how this doesn’t include any financial concepts? Nothing about how we get money, what it’s for, and what it can be used for. Nothing about budgeting, saving, taxes, interest and all the other essential financial literacy skills. So, until it changes, we’re proud to say that we don’t align with the National Curriculum. We align with what the National Curriculum should be.

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